Tuesday 1 July 2008

Rivers Describes Her Ouster From British TV Show

Joan Rivers has put her ousting from the British TV show Loose Women to comedic good use. In an interview with the London Daily Mirror Rivers recounted what happened during a commercial break after she used two verboten terms to describe Russell Crowe, whom she once attempted to interview during a red-carpet affair. Saying that she expected her words to be bleeped (in fact she warned the technical crew on camera, "Get ready to bleep this" before letting loose), Rivers said, "I was having a great time and everybody was laughing. Then these people -- these IDIOTS -- came running on to the set and RIPPED me off my seat and dragged me off. They were saying, 'Let's go, let's go, let's go.' I thought I was being arrested. Then I thought something must be wrong at my house. I have a sick dog at home and I thought, 'Oh God, it must be Lulu, ' because they bundled me away so quickly. My toes are still bleeding from where they were dragged across the carpet. They ruined a beautiful pair of Manolo Blahniks. I mean, I'm not a young woman. I might have osteoporosis and they could have snapped my limbs. I didn't even have time to say goodbye. When the audience saw my empty chair I worried that because of my age, they might think I'd wet it because my diaper leaked." Rivers is 75. Rivers said that the show's producers said they were worried that they'd be fined as a result of her remarks. "I'm worried I won't be paid."

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